A Dream Dictionary - Dream Interpretation - Dream Meanings

A comprehensive guide to dream symbols and their interpretations.

A Dream Dictionary is an invaluable, detailed guide to decoding dream meanings.

Dream Insights from a Trusted Source

The Most Accurate Dream Interpretations, A Dream Dictionary

Dreams offer deep insights into the subconscious mind. Understanding them can foster personal growth, emotional clarity, and self-awareness. At adreamdictionary.com, we combine ancient dream symbolism with cutting-edge AI and modern psychology to provide accurate interpretations.

adreamdictionary.com offers the world’s most trusted dream analysis, delivering science-based insights you can trust. Whether you’re exploring recurring dreams, symbolic visions, or lucid experiences, our AI platform unlocks their deeper meanings.

Experience a revolutionary approach to dream analysis—a combination of expert knowledge and artificial intelligence—only available at adreamdictionary.com.

Recently Interpreted Dreams

I Dreamt I Was On My Knees Hugging My Deceased Sister; She Comforted Me, Saying, Your Heart Is What Matters, My Dear Sister.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Hugging Your Deceased Sister?Dreaming about a deceased loved one, particularly a sibling, can be a profound and emotional experience. In your dream...


What Does It Mean to Dream About Millipedes?Dreaming about millipedes can evoke a range of emotions and interpretations. These creatures, often seen as creepy or unsettling, can sy...

I Dreamt That My Deceased Sister Was Telling Me Im Unwell, Specifically With My Heart, And That She Would Be There When Its My Time To Pass.

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Deceased Sister Warning You About Your Health?Dreaming about a deceased loved one, particularly a sister, can stir a complex mix of emotions. Suc...

The Term Gay Is Appropriate When Referring To Someone Who Identifies As Homosexual. If You Need Further Context Or A Specific Sentence To Refine, Please Provide Additional Information.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Identifying as Gay?Dreaming about one's sexual orientation, particularly relating to identifying as gay, can encapsulate a variety of emotions and...

Picking Up Green Stones, I Then See My Mum, Who Has Passed Away, Looking Healthy And Well, Not Sickly. I Drop The Stones And Hug Her, Telling Her, I Miss You, Mum.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Picking Up Green Stones and Seeing Your Mother?Dreams involving deceased loved ones often evoke powerful emotions and can serve as poignant reflect...

Crossing A Bridge With My Daughter, We See Children From The Past Jumping Into The River. My Daughter Stays Behind, And I Cross To See Whats On The Other Side By Myself.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Crossing a Bridge with My Daughter?Dreams involving bridges often symbolize transitions or changes in one's life. In your dream, crossing a bridge...

Please Provide More Context Or Additional Information For The Phrase Weave On So I Can Assist You Better.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Weaving?Dreaming about weaving often symbolizes the intricate process of life, creativity, and the interconnection of various aspects of your exist...

Dreamt Of Two Sparrows Lying On Their Backs Covered With Sand; I Disturbed Their Rest.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Two Sparrows Lying on Their Backs Covered with Sand?Dreaming of two sparrows lying on their backs, covered with sand, can evoke a myriad of emotion...

Cardboard Ceiling

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Cardboard Ceiling?Dreaming of a cardboard ceiling can evoke feelings of fragility and impermanence. It may symbolize a sense of confinement or li...

My Wife And I In The Rain

What Does It Mean to Dream About My Wife and I in the Rain?Dreaming about being with your wife in the rain can evoke a myriad of emotions and interpretations. On one hand, rain oft...

Dreaming Of Receiving A Certification From The President, Presented By Your Boss, In An Unfavorable Context.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Receiving a Certification from the President?Dreaming of receiving a certification from a figure as authoritative as the president, especially in a...

Three Goats Surrounded By Flames

What Does It Mean to Dream About Three Goats in Flames?Dreaming of three goats engulfed in flames is a vivid and striking image, often stirring up powerful emotions. The presence o...

A Live Goat Engulfed In Flames

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Live Goat on Fire?Dreaming of a live goat on fire can elicit intense feelings. This striking image often represents an internal conflict, a strug...

A Goat Engulfed In Flames

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Goat on Fire?Dreaming of a goat on fire can evoke a range of emotions and interpretations. Goats often symbolize independence, ambition, and dete...

Dead Dream Number

What Does It Mean to Dream About Dead Dream Number?Dreaming about a "dead dream number" can evoke a range of emotions, from confusion to introspection. This peculiar phrase sugge...

Dream About A Deceased Person

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Deceased Person?Dreaming about a deceased person can be a profoundly emotional experience, often stirring feelings of nostalgia, loss, or even co...

In A Dream, My Aunt Borrowed A Loan Of Ten Billion Naira From The Bank.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Your Aunt Borrowing a Loan of Ten Billion Naira?Dreams often weave complex narratives that reflect our subconscious thoughts, emotions, and experie...

A Stranger Attempted To Harm Me In A Dream

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Stranger Attempting to Harm You?Dreaming of a stranger trying to do you harm can evoke feelings of fear, confusion, and vulnerability. Such dream...

People Attempted To Harm Me In My Dreams

What Does It Mean to Dream About People Attempting to Harm You?Dreaming about people trying to harm you can be quite distressing and often leaves a lingering sense of unease upon w...

In A Dream, I Was Styling Someones Hair.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Styling Someone's Hair?Dreaming about styling someone's hair often symbolizes a desire for control or influence over that person's life. It can ...

I Keep Seeing Myself Preparing To Travel In My Dreams

What Does It Mean to Dream About Preparing to Travel?Dreaming about preparing to travel often symbolizes a transition or a significant change in your life. It can reflect your subc...

In A Dream, A Stranger Stole My Money From My Travel Bag On A Bus, But I Wished Misfortune Upon Him.

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Stranger Stealing Money from Your Traveling Bag on a Bus?Dreams involving theft often evoke feelings of vulnerability and loss. In your dream, a ...

In A Dream, A Stranger Stole My Money From My Travel Bag On A Bus, But I Confronted Him.

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Stranger Stealing Money?Dreaming about a stranger stealing money from your travel bag on a bus can evoke a whirlwind of emotions. At first glance...

I Saw So Many Nysc Members In My Dream

What Does It Mean to Dream About Seeing Many NYSC Members?Dreaming about numerous NYSC (National Youth Service Corps) members can be rich in symbolism and meaning. This dream often...


What Does It Mean to Dream About Being Overwhelmed?Dreaming about feeling overwhelmed is a common experience that often reflects the stressors and pressures one may be facing in th...

My Late Grandmother Experienced Nausea.

What Does It Mean to Dream About My Late Grandmother Experiencing Nausea?Dreaming about a deceased loved one can evoke a mix of emotions, particularly when the dream involves them ...

Snake In A Forest

What Does It Mean to Dream About a Snake in a Forest?Dreaming of a snake in a forest can evoke a complex array of emotions and meanings. Snakes often symbolize transformation, heal...

Someone Is Giving Me Directions

What Does It Mean to Dream About Someone Giving You Directions?Dreaming about someone giving you directions often indicates a search for guidance or clarity in your waking life. Th...

Image of Ten


Legally complete; god’s part, the tithe of one tenth...

Image of Men


Father figures.Your conscious mind, especially in men’s dreams.The voice of logic, discipline, and rationality.A protector, guide, or advocate (see Angel, Icon).The masculine asp...


Blog: In-Depth Analyses and Research

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Adaptive Theory

Adaptive theory speculates that species-wide sleep patterns developed as a way of adapting to the environment. Grazing animals, for example, sleep relatively few hours a day in sho...

Image of Why Remember Your Dreams?

Why Remember Your Dreams?

Your dreaming mind has access to information that is not readily available to you when you are awake. Your dreams may reveal your secret desires and subconscious feelings. In reme...

Image of The Mythological Aspect Of Dreaming

The Mythological Aspect Of Dreaming

Beyond the specific topic of lucid dreaming, the more general subject of interpreting and understanding dreams appears to be enjoying a resurgence of interest. New books on dr...

Image of Did We Always Dream?

Did We Always Dream?

That may seem like a silly question, but think about early man. Have people always dreamt even when the world around them was quite simple and mundane? The answer is yes. While we ...

Image of Dream Interpretation: Top-down Vs. Free Form Approaches

Dream Interpretation: Top-down Vs. Free Form Approaches

Top-Down Approach (Formal—Closed) This method of dream interpretation adheres to structured theories and predefined frameworks. It treats dream symbols as universal and inte...

Image of Dream Meaning And Symbol

Dream Meaning And Symbol

Dream Interpretation / Dream Dictionary / Dream Meanings Knowledge is power, so learn to understand the mysteries that are hidden in your dreams. Our dreams contain the messages ...

Image of A Dream Is Not A Mini-movie - It Is A Link To Your Life

A Dream Is Not A Mini-movie - It Is A Link To Your Life

A Dream Shines a Spotlight on Your Life. In step two about finding a dream’s story line, you extracted the dream’s meaning into a story line. In step three, you are checking ou...

Image of What Are Dreams For?

What Are Dreams For?

"Trust in Dreams, for in Them the Gateway to Eternity is Hidden."—KHALIL GIBRAN Dreams and Their Profound Purpose Imagine dreams as personal movies, crafted in response...

Image of Spiritual Dream Interpretation Guide

Spiritual Dream Interpretation Guide

You were created to have fellowship with God. His plan for mankind from the beginning was that we would walk in an intimate relationship with Him. You were created to hear His voic...

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Dream Interpretation: Unveiling The Mind's Hidden Realms

The Perspectives of Freud, Jung, Hall, and Domhoff on Dreams Our website, "Symbols, Signs, and Meanings," delves into the enigmatic messages that the unconscious mind conveys duri...

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Interpreting Your Dreams

Interpreting Your Dreams Interpreting your dreams can be an immensely rewarding endeavor. As we have previously emphasized, it not only offers the prospect of amusement but als...

Image of Dreams Tell About You And Your Life

Dreams Tell About You And Your Life

Dreams can reveal important insights about your life and your subconscious mind. When you wake up from a dream, you often have an instinctive understanding of its meaning. To bet...

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Plants And Trees

Ivy: In dreams, ivy can suggest determination and persistence to overcome problems. It can also suggest an unwanted presence in your life because despite its attractive appearanc...

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Dreaming Of Horses

Horse Symbolism Horse Colors Horse Actions Additional Interpretations Freedom and Power Sexual Energy Strength and Endurance Journey or Tra...

Image of Dreams And The New Age

Dreams And The New Age

The New Age Movement's Impact on Dream Exploration One of the factors contributing to the renewed interest in dreams is the profound impact of the New Age move...

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Dream Science

For centuries, dreams have fascinated humans, with theories ranging from divine messages to psychological reflections of the subconscious mind. Today, thanks to advancements in neu...

Image of Nightmares


Many dreams evoke emotions more intense than those we feel in waking life. If these emotions are frightening or disgusting, we call the dream a nightmare. A common feature of night...

Image of The Nature Of Sleep

The Nature Of Sleep

What is sleep exactly? Although we know that all creatures that live sleep, and although science has diligently studied sleep in many sleep laboratories around the world, sleep its...

Image of Dream Symbols

Dream Symbols

Dream Interpretation & an A to Z dictionary of symbols and their meanings helps you make sense of your dreams and harness them to increase your creativity, solve problems, find lif...

Image of Nightmares


Nightmares are significant dreams that help us maintain emotional and psychological balance when faced with stress and fear. These frightening and often memorable dreams can wake ...

sleeping boy

A to Z Dream Interpretation

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